As part of our Physical Activity Learning Package we have been learning about models of health. We explored Te Whare Tapa Wha and even made our own whare: in groups of 5 each individual was responsible for creating one wall. The look of the wall had to represent the element of health - for example, te taha tinana (physical health) or te taha whanau (family health). The 5th group member had to create the roof. The trick was that everything needed to balance and remain standing which was harder that it looked, just like in the model with wellbeing. Next we investigated Te Wheke which is a model of health based on an octopus metaphor. Our next step is to investigate wellbeing aspects that affect year 8 students like sleep, making good decisions and keeping positive relationships. Then we are going to create our own model of health using a metaphor AND promote it! We have been wondering though, are there Pacifika models like this or similar ideas in cultures around the world?
Wow they all stood up! Awesome effort! I love the ways that students have represented different elements of health - can't wait to see what you're up to next!